People around the globe face a myriad of challenges provoked by environmental issues and crises. Trocaire is deeply involved in promoting what is called Climate Justice: fair access to resources and infrastructure despite environmental pressures and change. Part of that mission is to educate the public.
This game was developed to assist teachers of Irish primary pupils as they engage them around this complicated topic. The setting is Honduras, a country frequently hit by brutal natural crises, and the students mission is to help understand challenges and coordinate help.
Click here to launch the game
This game was developed to assist teachers of Irish primary pupils as they engage them around this complicated topic. The setting is Honduras, a country frequently hit by brutal natural crises, and the students mission is to help understand challenges and coordinate help.
Click here to launch the game
Role: Concept, Creative Direction, Pitching
Art Direction: Vanesa Lenti and Sonica Baptist
Design & Illustration: Hernan Castelli
Copywriter: Peter McGann
Technical Direction: Luke Jakimowicz
Winner of the International Educational Game Competition 2018
Art Direction: Vanesa Lenti and Sonica Baptist
Design & Illustration: Hernan Castelli
Copywriter: Peter McGann
Technical Direction: Luke Jakimowicz
Winner of the International Educational Game Competition 2018